Contact Us (404) 237-7794

If you have reached the point in your life when you would like to share your wealth with a specific organization that is important to you, you need our charitable contributions advisors in Atlanta at Letson Investment Management. It is our primary to goal to give our clients confidence as they leave their legacy to the qualified charitable organization of their choosing. Our expert advisors focus on both gifting and donor advised funds in our charitable contributions services in Atlanta.

Georgia Charitable Donations & Trusts

With our gifting services at Letson Investment Management, we take the time with you to fully understand your goals and wishes in sharing your wealth through charitable donations and trusts. Our fee-only financial planners at Letson Investment Management know the necessary tools that it takes to facilitate the transfer of your various types of assets to your chosen charitable organization. We can explain the key tax benefits and level of asset control you will receive in your charitable donation and trust fund in Georgia and help you make wise decisions.

Charitable Giving Advisor

Our charitable giving advisors also specialize in helping Georgia clients share their wealth through donor-advised funds. In this method of charitable giving, our advisors help you make a donation to a public charity program. A donor-advised fund allows you to be eligible to take an immediate tax deduction and make recommendations for distributing your donated funds to a charitable organization on your own timetable. Whether you choose gifting or the flexibility of a donor-advised fund in your charitable giving, our advisors are here to help you with our unparalleled service and expertise at Letson Investment Management.

Letson Investment Management can help you put your dreams of charitable giving into action with charitable giving advice. Contact our Atlanta Charitable Contributions Advisors at Letson Investment Management today to schedule a consultation.

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Contact our Atlanta Investment Management Firm today for your free consultation with one of our expert financial planners and let us help you build your future wealth.

Phone: (404) 237-7794
FAX: (404) 262-6100


48 West Brookhaven Dr NE
Atlanta, GA 30319-1102

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